We welcome all enquiries for those seeking to be baptised (christened) with us across the benefice. Baptism can be the beginning of a faith journey and we love to welcome people in to the family of the Church and do what we can to journey with you.
Our baptism services run throughout the year across our worshipping communities. Typically they are held as part of our Sunday worship, and with a number of families celebrating together. This is important to us, as the service is a real celebration of life and love, and a welcome in to the wider family of God.
These services are usually scheduled across the year well in advance by our Life Events Coordinator and clergy team. That means we are unable to take requests for specific Sundays. However, please do get in touch if you have particular needs or requests and we will see what can be managed.
Please do get in touch with our Life Events Coordinator if you would like more details about Baptism services: lifeevents.thornburybenefice@outlook.com.