Funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II streamed in St Mary’s

The funeral of the late Queen was live streamed in St Mary’s Church, thus allowing members of our congregation to come together and join in proceedings at Westminster...

It was most moving to feel a part of the service in this way. Her late Majesty’s deep faith and commitment to her people shone like a beacon of hope, and is an enduring example to us all.

During Heritage Day a book of Commemoration was available for us to sign, along with some simple memorials.

Church Army joins with millions of people around the world in deep sadness at her Majesty’s passing. In a long and distinguished reign, much has been demanded of her. It has
been a reign marked by an unshakeable sense of the responsibility of her position and graced by consistent service to others, and humble obedience to the faith that has guided her steps.

Church Army, which has for so long benefited from her Majesty’s patronage, has partner organisations across the Commonwealth and beyond. We are organisations of service and faith that have drawn inspiration from the Queen’s example.

Together with this extended family we express our deep condolences to the Royal Family, and our gratitude for the life and reign of Queen Elizabeth II.

The Church Army is one of the charities we support through our annual missions giving.

Christine Dadd


Muddy Praise at Mundy Fields